Tuesday 6 October 2009

The New Right View of the Family

The new right believe that the ideal family type consists a mother,father and children, this type of family may involve a specialised division of labour that the traditional family should be declined also that the homo sexuality, abortion, Female liberation and morals .
the new right argue that welfare policy encourage policy that favour those who don't want to e married with general benefits offered to mothers and children then born outside of wedlock.

Symbolic Interactionn

Symbolic interaction is the idea that people interact with each other in terms of symbol one of which is language.

in the presentation of self by Ervin Goffman he talks about the techniques that we use to influence how other people see us that are facial movements and body language, speech content etc, is an attempt to create a particular impression that we want other people to see us. We create and use the appropriate props to reinforce an impression.